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Dom Famularo

  • Country: United States

  • Affiliations: EDUCATOR


His sensational drumming and brilliant communication skills have earned Dom Famularo a reputation of being the world’s leading motivational drum set artist/educator. Through history-making tours of China and the Far East, and with standing ovations to capacity audiences at virtually every major drumming event in Europe and the Americas, this vibrant performer from Long Island, New York, is renowned for delivering entertaining and awe-inspiring performances unlike any other.

Tutored by legendary greats Jim Chapin, Al Miller and Joe Morello, Dom combines the masterful techniques of the past with the parameter-pushing concepts of the 21st Century, for a highly creative and uniquely personal style of drumming. With hands powered by the famous Moeller technique and feet dancing through high-speed double-pedal bass drumming patterns he delivers performances that dip and dive through dynamics and styles with energy and ease. Elements of Rock, Jazz, Funk, Fusion and World permeate his sound, while every stroke speaks to the inventiveness that makes his drumming so exciting, entertaining and inspiring.

"My goal is to entertain and motivate, to inspire people to aspire" says Dom. "There is a tremendous freedom that comes with playing drums, and I want inspire as many people as possible to discover the exciting opportunity for personal development and satisfaction of playing such a fun and enjoyable instrument. It’s all about having fun!"

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